Doctor Gidea Eduard Paraschivescu was born in Bucharest, the capital city of Romania, in a family of doctors. His father, an excellent cardiologist and his mother, microbiologist, have struggled to offer him the best education possible in times of restraint, during the communist regime. His father guided him through the beautiful secrets of classic music and art, whilst his mother made him love the books. Although raised by two doctors, as the admission exam to College approached, he seemed to be decided to go to the College of Aeronautics, instead of Medicine. The final year in high school was decisive for the making of a decision and he eventually chose to take the exam to the Medical College. 1989 was he admitted to the “Carol Davila” University of Medicine and Pharmacy in Bucharest, Faculty of Dentistry, ranking 62 of 80, of almost 2000 candidates from all over the country. 1994 passes him the exam to enter the internship (residency) in Oral and Maxillo-Facial Surgery. He chose to get the training done in one of the best centers in the country, the Maxillo-Facial Surgery Clinic Timisoara, under the coordination of Lect. Dr.Dr. Med Emilia Ianes. 1999 passes he the exam for the specialist title and shortly after that, starts working as university assistant at the “Victor Babes” University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Discipline of Oral and Maxillo-Facial Surgery, Timisoara. Subsequently, starts him the work as specialist OMF surgeon, at the OMF Surgery Department, within the University Emergency Municipal Hospital, Timisoara.
The year 2000 was one of the most important of his professional life, as he has the chance to meet Prof.Dr.Dr.Med.Dr.H.c.mult. Hermann Sailer, one of the best maxillo-facial and plastic surgeons in the world. With his great help, he manages to attend the ICLPF (International Cleft Lip and Palate Foundation), which was beautifully organized, in Zurich, by Prof. Sailer. It was the beginning of a long collaboration between Prof. Sailer and Dr. Paraschivescu, which has peaked in 2005, with the 5 months training in cleft lip and palate surgical treatment, in one of the most important cleft center in the world, GSR Craniofacial Institute, in Hyderabad, India, under the coordination of Prof. Dr. Srinivas Gosla Reddy.
The special relationship between Dr. Paraschivescu and Prof. Reddy was the reason for Dr. Paraschivescu to travel 8 more times to India, each time for one month, to complete and update his training and to work along with his Indian colleagues.
2009 is, again, a moment of recognition of Dr. Paraschivescu’s skills and professionalism, represented by the Humanitarian Mission organized by Prof. Sailer, in Niger, Africa, aiming to establish a Cleft Center in the capital city of the country, Niamey. Despite the difficult conditions encountered, Dr. Paraschivescu, surgical director, solely operator and coordinator of the mission, manages to achieve the goals of the mission.
His work in the challenging field of clefts is continued in Timisoara, at the both Pediatric Hospital and Maxillo-Facial Surgery Clinic. 2012 is Dr. Paraschivescu invited speaker, with two lectures, at the ICLPF Conference, organized in the Seychelles.
The other fields of interest and competence of Dr. Paraschivescu are oncology, orthognathic surgery and implantology/oral surgery. He had the chance to get involved in the treatment of head and neck cancer even in his early years of training, along with his coordinator and the two professors of the department. He gained an important experience which was crowned by the defense of his doctorate thesis, in 2009, with the title “Limits of surgical treatment in the advanced stages of oral floor and tongue cancer”. The numerous visits, in some of the most important OMF surgery centers across the world, helped Dr. Paraschivescu to give a better chance of life to a large number of cancer patients, even to those in advanced stages.
The orthognathic surgery was started in 2005, the number and complexity of the cases increasing every year. His philosophy of beauty is represented by self confidence, rather than “cold” measurements, curves and angles. After a thorough clinical and imagistic examination and a detailed discussion with the patients who look for beauty and function, he will elaborate a plan which will cover both the patient’s desire and the doctor’s vision.
You will find in Dr. Paraschivescu not only a true professional and a devoted doctor, but also a good listener and a compassionate man to all those who are in need. His professionalism gave him the chance to work in several countries worldwide, like India, Niger, England and Germany, each experience contributing to the making of what Dr. Paraschivescu is now.