Temporal facial teratoma - during the 4th month of pregnancy the presence of a deforming tumor formation at the right temporal-facial level was detected. Parents have decided to keep the pregnancy, hoping that the tumor will be removed shortly after the baby's birth. A few days after birth, a 3D reconstruction CT scan is performed to assess the exact extension of the tumor and the affected anatomical structures. Because there is evidence of a severe damage of the orbital bone, of the malar bone (which is "blown" by tumor progression) as well as the damage of to the right side mandible (which is compressed, with the absence of mandibular condyle), it is decided that tumor removal surgery will be done as quickly as possible. Dr. Paraschivescu is required to perform the surgery in collaboration with the colleagues from the Pediatric Department (Dr. Iacob Radu, consultant pediatrician surgeon, Dr. Popescu Barbara, ATI consultant physician and Dr. Cucui Cosmina, ATI consultant physician ). At the age of 2 weeks, the surgical intervention takes place, with an approach which is specific to the facial mesostructure tumors (Weber Ferguson type incision), combined with the facelift approach on the upper part. Complete tumor removal is achieved, with the preservation of the facial nerve branches. Under careful care of the colleagues at the pediatric surgery clinic, the evolution of the child is favorable. Deformed bones will be molded by soft facial tissues, and if necessary, a facial conformation mask will be made. The case is a success of the surgeons team from Timisoara, taking into account both the type of pathology and the age at which the intervention was performed. Only a few cases like this one were reported in the literature worldwide.

Our little fellow one year post-operatively, both ultrasound and CT scan showed normal evolution.